Truly I tell You, Brother

by DarkxBlood   Nov 24, 2005

Soldiers walk onto the field
heads held up high
guns nestled in their arms...
Murderers is all.

proudly killing one another
satisfaction in the blood
while families numb just sit and cry
and the heavens weep above

"war is inevitable"
for that is what they say

they will go in and kill the fiends
and not come out okay

slaughter, burn, die.

so let you go to the white house, brother
and be on T.V.
be "honored" by the president
for the souls you have sent to hell

so let me ask you, brother
tis worth is, yes?
tis worth killing your brothers and sisters
for metal on a string

hang it on your wall
and be reminded every day, brother
what a murderer you truly are
and murderer you shall stay

rip, tear, die...


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  • 19 years ago

    by Strange Angel

    This is a very powerful poem, full of emotion. You express war for what it is: murder. a great poem. keep it up.
