Why you cry

by KAP DAR   Nov 24, 2005

When the whole world is on your case and all your planes blow up
in your face its my warm embrace
that waits for you
and when the evening sky
is dark an gray
and all your friends have gone away just remember what i say
and ill be there
because i care for you
so when your ready
to make a new start
i know you'll be right here
next to my heart
and only then will you realize
what it feels like
to be in ecstasy
only then can our dreams
Begin to take flight
such a sweet delight
it will be to see you
happy as a lark
to take hold of you hand
as we walk through golden gate park and just like i said
in something you read
i want to make love with you
under the Tahitian moon
not a day to soon
first i want to nurture you
that the love we share
may grow strong to endure
the test of time
that one day you'll be all mine because in the land dream's
milk and honey isn't what it seems the fruit is sweet
only when it is ready
patients love and the Sunny sky above
i know now why you cry my love...


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