Perfect man (not)

by mz BrokenHearted B i t c h   Nov 24, 2005

Ignoring me.
All over another girl.
Walking away from me.

Does that sound like a good boyfriend.
Probably not to any one.
But how can I tell You.

You call me to ask why I thought you where all over her.
I didn't know what to say.....

So i stalled and said I didn't,,,
Said my friend thought you where...
Said I wasn't jealous.

Even though I was.
I was furious.
I was green with envy.

But I was to scared to say that to you.
To scared that you would break up with me
To scared to lose you.

So you know what I did.
I played the same game.
I was all over your friend.
I ignored you.
I also walked away from you.

I never called you like you did.
Cause when you called you didn't apologize so i didn't.

Bit that didn't make me happy.
I was still jealous.
I didn't;t know what to do..
I never know what to do...

Ignoring you.
All over other girls.
Walking way from you.

Doesn't that sound like the perfect man...(NOT)


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  • Thats not even close to the perfect "man" thats ok...u have to pretend that u don't care and u never did care and i promise u that he'll come runnin back....they all do...they want what they cant have and u have to become what he can't have....5/5