
by *rach*and*bee*   Nov 24, 2005

By bee
......this isn\'t finished please help me out.....

you\'re falling fast
she\'s falling faster
like it\'s a race
gonna end in disaster
she\'s making space
\'til there\'s no way to grasp her

she\'s gonna win
just out of pure spite
she\'ll hit your heart
with all of her might
hold your tongue if you\'re smart
cause damn this girl is ready to fight

there is only one response in this game
that we play
so you better be ready
to be pushed to the ground at the end of the day
or just hold on steady
for what I\'m about to say



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  • 19 years ago

    by Ali

    Hey Bee, that poem is really really great. it has an edge to it.......who the hell is it about?? Luv ya bee