Sometimes I wonder if people really care
If people arent who they appear to be
Does that mean they dont feel what they appear to feel
I mean it makes a lot of sense
If they love you like he says he does
Why does he keep hurting you
Turning his back on you
Making you feel worthless used
Only good enough for his thrill
When hes satisfied im chucked aside
A worthless rag doll an unloved toy
Its my fault I suppose
For believing what you said
Twisted lies to mess me up
Were all that filled my head
What lies in your heart
Ill never know the truth
What you truly feel
For me Nothing
cant blame you though
Nothing to offer but myself
Ill never be the one you wanted
Ill never be the one you loved
Cant be the girl in your dreams
But I will be the one who loves you
The one who truly cared
The one who never turned my back on you
The one who was always there
Despite my better judgment
I do still love you
Yet I end up being played for a fool