I thought you be there!

by firexflys   Nov 24, 2005

If you R/R/C i will be sure to do that same thanks

I've been here for you when ever you
Needed me to, and I held your hand
When you weren't sure you'd make
It through, and I carried you when you
Need some one to, and I was there because,
I wanted you to know I cared for you

And I help you make it through and,
I made it known that you hade me
By your side, and that I am a friend
Of yours, and I held you when you
Would cry, I did what I could and, I
Was there when you had no where else to run

But when I needed you here for me your
To busy, with you own life to busy to
Even care, when I need you to carry me,
You were not around, and when I need you
To hold me, you where no where to be found

When I need to some to talk to, you hade
Better things to do you say that were
Friends you say that you care but, have
You notice that my heart was broken
And almost not there

And that I need some one To talk to some
One to show they cared I was looking for
You and looking hard but I did't find you,
You proved to me that some friends are not
Friends you let me see

How much I really mean to you and after all
I have done for you I tough you be there when
I would need you most I though that before I'd
Fall you'd catch me in the air and bring me back

© written by ~FireXfly17~


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Latest Comments

  • This is exactly how i feel about one of my friends so again i can really relate and it totally touched me! good job tis extremely well written! take care xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by dora

    0h that a beautiful friendship p0em. very well written!! such a beautiful piece. very t0uching n heartfelt great j0b!! i realli liked it! keep up the gr8 w0rk!! =)
    l0tz 0f l0ve /d0ra

  • 19 years ago

    by Darien

    This was a good poem, it was sad, and full of emotion. There's only one problem, there's a few spelling mistakes. Fix it up, and this poem will kick butt and take names.

  • 19 years ago

    by LadyPearl

    Pretty good, though it seems that every line is connected to the next line, as in a sentence. ........that sounds confusing right? lol Keep it up

  • 19 years ago

    by Mezmeryz

    Awww dis is sucha sad poem! but its really good too..keeep it up m8!
    xxx :)