Little War©

by unprotected lover   Nov 24, 2005

I watch the news
is this the day
the day a soldier dies

I watch a counter go up
the billions dollars
we wasted on this war

I watch the bombings
that happened in Iraq
the suicidal bombings again

I watch Bush talk about it
and say he prays for the war
and yet he does it all for the oil

blood for oil
and uses us
to get it on his hands

We give thousands of dollars
to bomb up the city
and then build it again

We kill them
cause the kill us
and we pay the money

We set up their government
to give them freedom?
it doesn't belong to us!

We but in
we don't belong
so we die?

This world is evil
and Bush is behind it all
Next time vote for Kerry

Kerry will help us
and Bush makes us die
why do we do it for oil
and watch our soldiers fly!


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  • 19 years ago

    by Live, Laugh, Love

    Wow that is really true. I really don't think him or kerry should have one though. I don't think either of them would actually be able to handle whats happening

  • 19 years ago

    by Truest Lies

    Yes, pretty good. At the same time some of the rhymes didn't make that much sense, but I still got the over-all feeling, and that was good.
    Nice writing here!


  • 19 years ago

    by Little Dot

    Very in depth meaningful poem. It has a lot of truth behind it.

  • 19 years ago

    by Vegetable

    This is pretty good, I definatly agree with your oppinion, I'm honestly ashamed sometimes to call myself an American. But this sounds more like a bunch of statments than an organized poem. good work though.

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