Take me away

by _simply irresistible_   Nov 25, 2005

Take me away
from this Hell i call my life
take me far from the pain
it cuts deeper than a knife

I'm just so sick of everything
every word that tears me apart
every lie that i believed
every person i trusted with my heart

I see it all so clearly now
you never meant it when you said i was The One
forever was just a lie
" taking a break" means that we're done

You didn't feel it when you held me close
I didn't mean a thing to you
i was just another girl
didn't know what i was getting myself into

Then i went and fell too far
stumbled head first into this Hell
now i have to keep living this nightmare
feeling the pain i know too well

*not really done yet .... i need help on an ending*


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  • 19 years ago

    by iDeePanda

    Wow...very powerful...i loved it
    i think its fine jus the way it is...
    but a part 2 would be nice

  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    This poem is incredible hun...I can relate to it alot. I actually think that's a good ending, because it expresses the hurt you are going through. If you ever need someone to talk to I'm always here! great poem!

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