Eternal Cries

by Lovesick 4 Jesus   Nov 25, 2005

Can you hear my cries?
can you see behind my

Not really a smile
but sad dark eyes
its not like you noticed
you weren't even surprised

As i sit here and cry
i cut my wrist, i hate who i am
and don't want to exist

they don't want me either
so why am i still here?
theres nothing to make me happy
theres no more cheer

Tear after tear i watch
them fall, you couldn't use
the ocean to catch them all

I don't belong here
not in this family!
this people hate me and
are filled with insanity

i need someone to talk to
who cares what, Ive been through
but everyone around me doesn't know what to do

You see this does not matter
because I'm leaving now, ill take
this knife and end my life
all people will say is
thats the cowards way out of life!!!


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  • 18 years ago

    by norman

    I like now you should go read my newest poem Goodbye

  • 19 years ago

    by Rachael

    WOW!!! I love your poems there really good. I beleive you will become someone great with these poems you have such a great future planed out for you dont let it slip away!

  • 19 years ago

    by YoU-nEvEr-NeW

    Hey thats REALLY good and soo trust i love your writtings there really good

  • 19 years ago

    by Stacy

    This was good. The message was received loud and clear, a very apparent cry for help. I thought it was good.

  • 19 years ago

    by Michelle

    Hey gurl that was really good, i care so if you need to talk just let me know e-mail me at i've been through this all b4 and i wanna help you.