Whats wrong with me?

by Bertha   Nov 25, 2005

I sort of hate my life right now
That guy-
That kind of let me down-
Without even knowing-
That I kinda-sorta love him-
I tried to let him know-
But what's the point of telling him?
He'll pick anyone else but me.
Why are they always doing that?
Doing that to me?
Whats wrong with them?
Whats wrong with me?
My friend is betraying me-
It's all for him.
What's wrong with her?
What's wrong with me?
Am I not good enough for them?
Well, I have my real friends.
All the people..that tell me I'm beautiful..
But I don't think he does.
I don't think they do.
What's wrong with me?
I think I've gotten fatter.
Whats wrong with me?
Just last week everything was great.
It's amazing how things can change
Everything's going wrong.
But he can make it right.
They can make it right.
Please let things get right.
I don't want to cry anymore.
I want to love myself and my life as much as ever.
I'll try- but I really just need-
To be loved.
With everything going on in the world-
My life seems so wonderful.
I feel selfish.
What's wrong with me?

*I dont think this is very good but i was crying and very upset when i wrote this and everything was going wrong..but things are getting better now..*


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  • 18 years ago

    by master of shadow

    Very powerfully expressed emtions in this peice, well done on that front. thought the structure could be better the content really more than makes up for it

  • 19 years ago

    by eternitySOlong

    Awww....sweetie...I absolutly loved it! You wrote magick! Everything I've wanted to say...you said for me! Thank you! Keep it up!

  • 19 years ago

    by Marjan

    Hey, you expressed your feelings wonderfuly bertha. I'm happy that
    things are getting better now.
    much love,