To Anyone Thats Going To Care This Time

by *heidi;   Nov 25, 2005

I'm not worth it anymore
always behind a closed door
i cry every night
when no one is in sight
no one gives a care
nobody is there
no one tries to help me
they all just let me be
this life is a nightmare
i have nobody here
people think I'm fine when they look at me
so maybe after this they'll finally see
I'm turning out the light
and giving up this fight
you wouldnt care if i die
so tonight this is my final goodbye
I've got a gun and a bullet
now I'll just cock it and pull it...


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  • 18 years ago

    by kiesha

    Really good poem. I hope you're not actually thinking of doing that, though. My life sucks right now too, so I can relate. Hang in there, and keep writing. It's a good way to vent. Take care.

  • 18 years ago

    by Cutesal

    That is EXACTLY how i feel, people can definately relate to this!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Jess

    Its really good, i no wot u feel 2

  • 19 years ago

    by x_UrCRyiNgANgel_x

    Strangely enough…this is how I feel sometimes…I can relate to your poem…it’s a good poem though…keep them coming!!!!