
by Bound, Gagged, and Blindfolded   Nov 26, 2005

The best Holiday which i love,Halloween
i don\'t understand why you have low self-esteem
Graveyard is where we will be at the stoke of dawn
for you, not your beauty for that i am drawn
from the glance of your eye
i go into a trance, but why?
For at the stroke of midnight we dance
no audience, no music, just us..we will dance,dance,dance
The dance ends, i pull out a stool
For you to sit, for i to say this i may seem like a fool
for there we sit and stare
The owls in the trees do all but glare
The night will go quiet, i pull out a ring
Suddenly i pull out this thing
My heart is what you hold
do whatever you\'d like it is but a mold
For you..you look into my eyes and begin to say..
no words came out..you ran away
As thoughts cloud my mind
These are the only words i can find;
I\'m begging of you, take a knife and slash
for all i am..i feel like trash
take the knife and thrust
ending me is a must
for all i have done, i have ruined your life
For that is why i am begging you..end me with a knife
All i have done is broken your heart
I\'m telling you the truth, i did not mean to even start
Maybe all of this was a mistake
All along i believed you as a fake
I believed you were just messing with my heart
I wish i could of been smart
therefore i would of realized my hand is what you wanted to take
A smart decision is what i wish i could make
For the tears i have caused you to shed
I seem to have problems in my head
I never meant to hurt you in anyway
I hurt so bad,,i don\'t know what to say
It means so much to me to be your first kiss
Your beautiful eyes..your touch.your voice..therefore i miss
Family..its causing all the drama
For all of this i have become overwhelmed by trauma
I wish i could of made the right choice so we could be
It would have been perfect, i wish you could see
i know this nay seem a little to much
But for all of this could be such..
but..a family..with you..is what i want to start
for the words i do...
i wish it would come true
for they mean the world to me...
for there we would be
forever..and ever and ever
our relationship would not sever
but by the wrong choice i screwed up
all i have to say is..sup^-^....my vision blurs
i wake form a trance and feel around..it feels like furs
i see you running... i quickly follow
for there i realize for you my heart is hollow
i see tears streaming down your cheeks
i could see that by the red streaks
you finally realize running will not solve a thing
a thing so perfect as this should not be ruined..you feel a sting
a sting in your heart as sharp as a blade
a blade to my wrist..it would be made
you stop.gain your breath.turn around
by this i become astound
i drop to my knees and i start to cry
i pray to gods and wonder why
why has he done this good deed
for i..i have to feed
for god has given in and given me another chance
but why..i feel praised...for this chance
for than i wake...
my life is at stake
with this blade to my wrist
i realized what i have missed
my love for you was ever so strong
but..i was dum..i thought not..i was wrong
for the blood enters my skin
its sharp as a pin
the blood begun to fall


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  • 19 years ago

    by dancer

    Great poem

  • 19 years ago

    by Thesoftdarkness

    Very good. insightful. i loved this one too!

  • 19 years ago

    by Raychel

    Um..okay then...i get it but y did it go from halloween to ruining someone's life? nvm...i luff u corey!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by ~* gifted little fallen~*

    This is a very indepth poem i like it. im sad for ur loss and i wish i could help u heal those scars that show. but only u and time can ever change it, so be patient, the one so devine will help u.


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