Behind This Fake Smile

by Jo   Nov 26, 2005

Behind this fake smile,
Is a truth nobody sees.
An unhappy child,
With many pains and sufferings.

Behind this mask I wear,
Is a face nobody (truly) knows.
A person with pain to bear,
Too heavy for her burdened soul.

Behind the sparkles in my eyes,
Is a pain that wants to stay.
A dwelling so deep inside,
That never wants to go away.

Behind this fake happy smile,
Is a person pretending to be okay.
Someone trying to hold on to life,
When they're really just slipping away.


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  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    Beautiful poem hun... I hope that you're okay. You're really talented at writing poetry... great job!

  • 19 years ago

    by xEmmax

    Hey, great poem, very well written,