This is for you
You know who you are
I can't stand you
I can't stand seeing you, being near you
And what I hate the most is that I desire
I wanna wrap my arms around you and kiss you
These conflicting feelings are tearing me up inside
What type of response was that?
When I confessed my feeling for you
What the f*** was that?
It hurts so much inside knowing that those feelings will never be returned
At least when my desires were secrect I had hope, I had dreams, I felt I had a chance
But now.....all that has been replaced with hate
Hate for you
Hate for me
Hate for knowing I can never have you
Hate for seeing the real you, though I'm not sure if that was even the real you
I've known you for so long, I could never imagine you saying that
But its over now, I'm moving on
So if you ever realize what you missed out on or the amazing girl you could have had
No more wasting tears on you, I'm moving on
Game Over, you lose