Comments : What's Your Excuse...Nick?

  • 19 years ago

    by dora

    0h hun this was t0uching. it was sad t0o =( great use 0f w0rds. g0od j0b darl expressing h0w y0u feel. keep it up!
    l0tz 0f l0ve / d0ra

  • 19 years ago

    by BeautifulDisaster

    Aw hun wow, That Nick sounds mean, I hope you're okay, dont ever let him get to you, You're an awesome person & you didnt do anything wrong, if hes gonna be a prick then dont be around him hun, this is a beautiful poem though, keep on writing & stay strong, always here for ya, xxoo

  • I loved this poem, u must b goin thru a lot of pain, but he isn't worth it if he makes u feel not wanted, i luv y0o huni, im always here! mwahzz

  • 19 years ago

    by ßeAuTiFuLlY~bRoKeи

    Well I wouldn't put it under love...and you say in there that you don't want to be friends cause it hurts too much, and it definetly is sad so thats where I would say it belongs. but it all depends on your true feelings...maybe things will get better though? but I gotta say I can relate, and guys like that seem to have fun breaking hearts don't they? and it never ends...I know what you mean, then they act like they have no idea what they're doing..ugh...boys =/ well anyways awesome poem girl keep it up! and thanks so much for all your comments sorry it takes me so long to get back to you!

  • 19 years ago

    by Solace

    Yet another amazing write. Very deep. It also reminds me of my friend. Yeah, take care always.. xx:

    *> : PainOfOne

  • 19 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    Who the hell is this Nick?? We surely needs to find him dare he amde u feel like this???

    Great poem dear..once again u made me indulge myself in that poem as deep as possible....great work

  • 19 years ago

    by Matters

    Sorry I haven’t commented in a long while. I’m actually grounded from the computer (grr) for two weeks. I really can’t comment, and I hardly have the time to submit poems. I am so so so sorry. The only way I’m even sending you this is from at school, so feel lucky. =) Anyways, gotta go. I’ll be able to comment again on 12/7/05. Be prepared for the best comment yet!


  • 19 years ago

    by I.Dont.Own.Emotion.I.RENT.

    I think its good under sad poems. man it was really good. i could feel your anger towards him. man some people make me sooo mad. i just wanna go and kick this guys ass! but forget about him. if hes being a jerk psh just dont talk to him. or call him on it. tell him hes being retarded. lyl~lex

  • 19 years ago

    by Pure Silence

    Wonderffully done hunny, you on my favs toooooooooooooooooooooo lol wow this computer types fast, Im in a computer lab at school... so yeh BRILL! lol keep it up

    Much love

  • 19 years ago

    by CaffeineBomb

    Hi, this is a great poem, I have the same problem in never knowing where to put things, maybe being allowed to put more than one would help :P
    Anyway, I hope that you're feeling better, and hope that you don't stop writing your beautiful poetry (is this contradiction?)... Andrew

  • 19 years ago

    by just a poet

    I beg of you please listen to me. when i tell you that you need to think everything through before letting him back into yourlife even as someone who is just there. please dont assume all will be ok but please try your best to do what is right in the long term. i made a mistake i dont want you to do the same!!! i implore you for your own sake, think about your futur and if you want depression to take avoer.

  • 19 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    Oh hunny more huggles for you! You poems sound extremely similiar to one I wrote myself the other day called You knew I scar easily, so yeah lets just say not only have I been there, but I am there right now at this very moment. And honestly it sucks. Boys are such losers sometimes. I hope you find someone who can be there to wipe away your tears and bring you back to life. 5/5!


  • 19 years ago

    by Alicia

    Omg thats so true...i have been thou that b4 it sux

  • 19 years ago

    by -**ToRn InTa PiEcEs**-

    this poem was soo sooo good!!!
    i know exactly how you feel, so don't worry about no-one knowing how ya feel! i have been through exactly the same thing with this guy i knew for years, we were close as mates n then he just crushed me like u said in your poem!! KEEP WRITING GIRL, COZ U GOT TALENT!! :) don't let no-one push you around

  • 19 years ago

    by the middle

    O hun... nicks a jerk... SCREW HIM!!!
    love ya... miss u!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Prophecies In Kodak

    My dear..this poem is wonderful. From what I've seen of your writing you are excellent at it. Take Care.

  • 19 years ago

    by Chelsea

    It was a great poem it really was. but about that nick guy i say just let him go if he wants to keep hurting you and making you feel like a nobody well then...i will kick his but!!!! anyways great poem.

  • 19 years ago

    by *~*pureconfusion15*~*

    LOVED IT!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Jessy

    Hey this is really good I'm sry you lost a lov i know how you feel i lost one to but it all happened differently but hope you get over him and you will it just takes time!

    Lovz always 3G!

  • 19 years ago

    by t i f f a n y ♥

    I love this poem. It is excellent. I can relate to it a lot. I know how it feels to have an ex like someone else. I know how it feels to have someone take advantage of you. no matter what they do to you, you are always there for them. But they are only there for you when they can get something from it. I know it's hard, but you have to learn to cut these people out of your life. I haven't done it yet, and I know I should.. But I guess I care too much. And I hate that about myself. Fantastic job on this hun. 5/5 forsure.
