My sister and I

by jackie   Nov 27, 2005

My sister and I
My sister loves me so
Ups and downs out disagreements show
She is the one I need to owe
For she is the one who was always there
When others didn't’t seem to care
I felt it was unfair
Though all I been though
I get to cry bobooew
She is the one I call my best friend
Always there until the end
When troubles come into my life
She is the one who always thinks twice
On trying to feel the pain I felt
When I was abused
We were both confused
On why it happen tome and how
Knowing that my actions were foul
All she was thinking is if I was okOK|_Yes indeed I was besides knowing and putting her though sadness and pain
Oh how she missed me
When we saw each other after what happen
Oh how I kept telling her I wont do it again
Finally get thought it
Even when I though my fits
She is the one who is by my side
She is the one who helps me every day
She is the one who I wants to play with
She is the one I want to be
As long as we are together
that good enough for me


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  • 17 years ago

    by SexyGirl101akaJess

    Ashley (A.K.A) Ash cash i haven't herd from in in forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Ashley

    Which sis are you talking about jackie? if its me then yes i will alway be there for you no matter what...remember if u need to get away then u can come find me and we'll go stay with some of my friends for a few days.