Comments : Gone like the wind

  • 19 years ago

    by Solace

    Very nicely written. 5/5 none to less.
    Keep writing and take care (always) xx:

    *> : PainOfOne

  • 19 years ago

    by Gesselle Valle

    Really touching poem my friend...sometimes we beg for love and it never comes...I love this poem. Sorry, it took me a while to read it but I didn't check my emails in days ^_^ Thanks for sharing such a great poem with us. 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by cochise

    Hey i really love this poem, esspecialy the last line. This poem speaks a lot of truth, and sometimes you do have to walk away. I love your work, keep it up. Please if you could comment on some of my other work, i would love to hear from you

  • 16 years ago

    by Ike Dizzle

    Wow this poem is awesome. I would have never thought to relate my love for some like the wind. I especially like the part when it said
    "I am exactly like the wind,
    The only time you want me there I go away. "
    Awesome poem.