The Cave

by ShadowDancer   Nov 27, 2005

There is a cave on a far off shore
Which gapes out across an unknown sea
A great mouth eternally ravenous
The maw of a monster yearning to pull free

Mottled grey are the rocks of the cliff face
From which the cave's entrance yawns
Inside, stalagmites and stalactites
Grow in mysterious threatening forms

Inside the cave it is black as pitch
Except for an eerie phosphorescent glow
That illuminates a deep underground lake
How deep that water is nobody knows

At dusk a sea nymph rises from the water
Her perfect body as clear as glass
Her voice as she sings is heavenly sweet
No human who hears can get past

Bones lie at the bottom of the black pool
Of men she lured in with her song
who drowned as they tried to reach her
the lust inside too strong

Beyond the nymph's glassy black lake
Beyond the cave floor, black and hard
at the back of this cave full of malice
Lies a host of wreaks, a ships grave yard

Such is the fate to all who wander
Into this forgotten ocean grave
Whether by nymph or craggy rock
None will ever leave the cave.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by LostHopesCrimsonTears

    Really great work! It all flowed together so well and you could realy feel the mood you set.. Nice One!

  • 18 years ago

    by ~~Lindsay Woods~~

    Scary but good!

  • 19 years ago

    by Lauren Waszkiewicz

    oooo..scary.. this truly is a dark and dreery poem.but its really cool! i could never write a poem about a cave and have it sound half as good as this one! its crazy! but cool in the same sense. i thing. in the 2nd stanza it doesnt rhyme... its just that one tiny part that i think is below excellent!


  • 19 years ago

    by Loulou

    Good poem
    i like it it you have good flow in your poems
    which is awesome
    great job
    keep it up
    love always

  • 19 years ago

    by Allison

    I loved it. That is so beautiful and i could imagine it so perfectly. You drew a good picture with the words you wrote. Keep up the good work because you are really talented. *5/5*