I'm sorry I don't understand

by StormyWeather   Nov 27, 2005

He spoke and the world fell silent
It took a while for me to hear
I stared and looked to see he was serious
His eyes mirrored mine with fear

I didnt really know how to reply
I just said show me your arm
Then it started to hit me that
The boy i loved self harmed

I couldnt cry, I couldnt move
He placed his hand on my cheek
He whispered an apology
But i was too scared to speak

Time stopped as i hugged him
He flinched as i pulled him tight
I knew i couldnt help him
It wouldnt be alright

I didnt know how to act with him
Icouldnt give him advice
I couldnt say a thing to help
I love yous wouldnt suffice

I lost him 2 years after
He finally took his life
I couldnt see why he didnt love me
As much as he loved that knife


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  • 19 years ago

    by wdnest

    Hi there,

    You replied to my post concerning my website recently at www.whitedovesnest.com. I came and had a look at a few of yours.

    I would absolutely love to display this poem. I find this poem comes from a different angle - one that I have not considered. I would be thrilled if you could find it in your heart to allow me display this one.


  • 19 years ago

    by wdnest

    This is brilliant. I loved it. I read it a couple of times.....the impact that just a poem can make is sometimes mind numbing.....

  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    Ohhh hun... if you ever need someone to talk to, I am always here no matter what. =( I hope that you're okay... You are a very talented writer

  • 19 years ago

    by Martyna

    This is a really good poem.
    My favorite part is the last two lines. They made me stop to think.

  • 19 years ago

    by Hayley

    Aww,hun, are you okay? i know that he didnt love the knife more than you, i'm so sorry, if you need to talk i'm always here, ...its a good poem, sad topic...