The Church

by DBM   Nov 28, 2005

I cut myself
And inscribed these words
On the walls of my forsaken church:

"Written in blood
It must be true
I am not worthy of your King."

Still, no salvation
No damnation
To help me understand

"Why must we go on like this?"

For hereafter, I weep
A disgraced and evil being
Until judgment is

"I am not afraid of your God."

And I may, at long last
Receive my punishment
For my blasphemy

"No longer will I fear that day."

For when one
Lives in Hell
He no longer fears the unknown
Because there is nothing
He hasn't seen

"I know where I am
Where I have been
And where I will be."

As history repeats
I am thrown
Into the fire
Again and
Again and

"I burn to ash
For what I've done."


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  • 18 years ago

    by Aussie

    AWSOME!!!! it's very deep. very good rythme. i love it;)

  • 19 years ago

    by Ariana

    This is interesting and quite unique, I like the way it is set out and your repetition is quite effective. The whole piece is very controlled and your emotions are portrayed well here/

  • 19 years ago

    by VioletRaven

    This is a very original poem, I like the way you have expressed yourself here. I like the finality of it, and I love the last lines; I think they make an effective end to a wonderful poem.
    Keep Writing

  • 19 years ago

    by Cimara

    Different. I'll give you that. I think that's what i like about your poems so much..they're just so different to anything ive read before. That's a great thing! Mine are just You're a very clever lad :) take care xox

  • 19 years ago

    by Lost084

    I think that this was very deep