My brain

by Rachel   Dec 20, 2003

My Brain

Everything is happy
Nothing is glad
Everything is crazy
Nothing has gone mad

The grass is blue
The sky is green
The rainbows gray
My heart, aquamarine

In my head
It all makes sense
Not to you
Yur just to dense

You can laugh
To u its just a game
Apples and oranges
To me its all the same

Working strangely
Thats my brain
Malfunctioning all the time
I think ive gone insane

U don’t notice
As I try to be normal
But all the voices
Cant just be hormonal

i dunno all i know is my brain does the weirdest things and i just act like its funny but having the walls swirl around u is not fun hearing voices constantly and trying to ignore them to keep yurself from the hospital is not exactly fun...seeing two of yur bestfriends go through the same thing isnt fun either....please comment tell me wut u think bout the poem or goin insane or nething


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