
by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Nov 28, 2005

One night can make a scar
One night can take you so far
To distances that nobody will ever meet
To feelings that make you fall to your feet

One night can change a girl's hope and heart
One time can make her fall apart
One boy... One thought
She lost everything she ever got

One night can change a person's view on violence
One loud crack can change the sound of silence
One time... More than one black and blue
More than just him that she's coming back to

One night... One living hell
One story that a girl will tell
One chance to leave and her life she'll take
One decision that she will make

One night can break a family apart
One person can change everything from the start
One mother... One daughter
She's only growing up with her father

One mother... that's the only number you get
One mother that she unfortunately can't forget
One person who breaks her down
One mother who is so damn loud

One night at the wrong place
One problem some people will face
One time with drugs and alcohol
One time can lead to the final fall

One try of drugs will lead to another
One usage of one will lead to some other
One misuse, one more death
One more than you should, one final breath

One drink comes to a stumbling drunk
One night that becomes completely sunk
One guy to take advantage of you
One time when you don't know what to do

One mark takes away the pain
One night when you stay in from the rain
One fight leads to shaking and tears
One cut that will heal in years

One piece of glass or one knife
One time can take away your one life
One slice, one cut, JUST ONE SLICE
It's a random roll of the dice

One slip can take it all
Just one move, just one fall
One person can make you cry
One person can make you try

One person to turn your life around
One person to pull you up from being down
One heart to care about you
One person who could open up to

Alls it takes in life is one
One can be hell or it can be fun
Takes chances but be careful too
Because one time can get the best of you


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