Enternal pain (true poem...)

by steven   Nov 28, 2005

Running through the rain and snow
Trying to forget but I can't let go

Going through the empty street
Listening to my own heart beat

So many people all around the world
But no one can hurt me like you girl

What am I to do- haven't got a clue
I'm completely in denial- can this be true?

People say nothing lasts forever
But tell it to the pain I feel this day
I won't forget this, not ever...
Wishing my life would bring me far away

Thought you could be my love, my guiding star
but thought just one second too far

The pain is setting me far too high
Staring up and nothing but a cloudy sky

I should go and talk to some friends
But they don't really comprehend

Do I even have one....
I feel so lost...I wish my life were done...

True poem....people screwed me over again...got splashed by the rain cause of passing cars...ran all the way home which is a 5 minute sprint 14 minute walk...so confused...i swear never again....

I'm tired of being the center of your every joke, tired of being a tool for your entertainment, tired of being left there after done abusing. Wednesday was the exact same as today, i swear not to let this happen again


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  • 17 years ago

    by Silent Screams

    I Loved It. I Was In Tears. I Could See It. Someone Running And Slapshed With Water..The Emotions..Sorrow..Anger..All Of It Echoed...And I Could Picture every single movement Made.
    You're very Talented. Keep It Up.


  • 19 years ago

    by The Spirit of Ash

    I loved your poem...and Im sorry for what happend.