Comments : My bloodripping weeping willow

  • 19 years ago

    by Chit Cyn

    Well, this one is good...cant be regarded a poem in structures but a prose literature, specifically can be a monologue where there was self-expression and questions thrown in the wind just to let out sudden busrts of emotions. I think you have written it so fresh in one sitting, in one sudden burst of anger, in one stop-no-edit write as to ur use of "etc." being so colloquial. Well, lady poetess, u did a hell of self-confession, hope its not a true account, otherwise, well it seems you disatisfy the angle of love. Promising here more to review of ur works in the near time, u can write well with a bit of suggestions from others, we all need that. Smile xxx loadsofluv, chitcyn

  • 19 years ago

    by EthaniaShea

    I have learned that poetry does and expresses itself as painters do
    there are some rules, but they are more like suggestions
    not to be taken literally
    which then means that i do not have to make it rhyme or anything else
    thank you very much
    but whatever that was my past and if you look at my other poems you'll see that God has called me