You and Me

by Brittane   Nov 29, 2005

Your the sunshine of my life.
Your the reason i'm alive.
With out you I would die!
I dont know what it is you do,
to make me fall in love with you.
Im surrounded by darkness and you are my light.
You hold me up and give me strenght to get back up when I fall.
Never will you lose me, for my heart is yours and always will be.
I am here to wip away all your tears and I will kiss away all your fears.
Forever we will be together.
You and Me!!

To: Gary Clinton Gullion.
I .::Love::. You


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  • 19 years ago

    by NicholeNymphetamine

    Oo how sweet... lol..

  • 19 years ago

    by NicholeNymphetamine

    You know it's so funni.. it wasn't long ago when we were hung up on Jacob and Joey and now we've found the love of our lives.. well 18 will come soon enough.. and then to Finland we go!!lol.. ur poem is rad by the
    With a frozen heart and soul on fire,