I, Monster

by Hades   Nov 29, 2005

I am countless beings
Trapped within one shell,
But have I not earned freedom?
None can truly tell.

I am the wind that chills your blood
And frosts your very bone
I am near you always,
But still you are alone

I am the darkest of the nights
The sharpest of the cold
Forever will I haunt you
No difference, young or old.

I am numb to all compassion
To love, but not to hate,
I only hope that you live long
For me it is too late

I was once a happy man
But, I am he no more
From the countless tears I've shed
My eyes are withered, sore

Sometimes I doubt I'm human
I've changed throughout the years
My skin is falling from the bone
My face stained red from tears

I must linger on, a monster
Until the shadows fall
My soul's forgotten who I am
But the heart remembers all.

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  • I liked this one. great concept. i particularly liked the last lines of the poem:

    "...My soul's forgotten who I am
    But the heart remembers all..."

    well written, great job.

  • 19 years ago

    by *~*pureconfusion15*~*

    I am just so amazed on how well u write!!!!.... SERIOUSLY!!!!>........ i sit here and read all these poems and they are excelant and urs just.... DAMN words cant explain it!!!!!!... ur a very compassionate writter!