I See Things That Can Not Be

by TheDevilHimself   Nov 29, 2005

I see things that can not be
Dark winged angels come to me
Letting me slowly fade away
Every evening I sit here and pray

Waking up shivering of fears
I sit up straight in bed
Eyes filled with tears
Of nightmares making me sad

Even if I'm awake its chasing me
Fears are running trough my veins
I close my eyes not to see
The creatures making me insane

I fall down in a pool of blood and tears
A pool filling my room, my fears
As the blood streams down my ears
Melting together with my tears

When they finally fall down
In this unimaginable pool
Filled with horrible darkness
I slowly drown

I see things that can not be
Dark winged angels come to me
Letting me slowly fade away
I'm sorry that I couldn't stay



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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by lana

    Wow i really liked it
    i couldnt look away
    was ausume



  • 18 years ago

    by nadsyy

    Rik can u at least rite one bad poem jks lmao...All the poems u rite have emtion in dem n they r reli reli gwd...
    keep it up..u always do though lol
    tc mwa luv dia xoxoxo

  • Interesting... very inetresting.. teehee good work n_n

  • 19 years ago

    by ShhhhItsASecret©

    Rik, this is really good. I like how you have the first and last stanza the same. It's really good! I like it! The flow was great and I really like your style! It's very original! Keep up the great work!


  • 19 years ago

    by Katie.

    Great job, I love the flow. Keep it up :)