The notebook to my soul

by Rosechild   Nov 29, 2005

A notebook to my sadness
a door way to my madness
Everything inside my head,
The sicking feel ing which is dread
Dreading the day that I'll die,
For my dead body will any one cry
Will i be forgotten in everyones hearts,
Was i even alive from the start
I write down everything that happens each day,
Write down the names of the ones pasting away
Inside my heart loneliness swirls inside,
Fears and Sadness that wishes to hide
This note book hides everything in my soul,
Nothing in this world will make me whole
The feeling when people ignore me,
The wish what i truly want to be.
People who i don't want to face,
People who i want to embrace
How it feels to be ignored,
when people mock you for what you wore
How i wish to be truly livin,
But will my sins be forgiven
For in this book i cures those who hurt me bad,
For here i write down all the days i was sad
This notebook is the door to my my mind,
My hopes my dreams i wish to find.

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  • 19 years ago

    by Just That Girl

    This is such a gr8 peom! lots of emotions in it... itz excellent! 5/5