Comments : The Magic Inside Us All

  • 17 years ago

    by Jennifer RIP Lesthat Hayden

    Oh that was a cute poem. :) At first I was wondering why it was in this section but I forgot it’s also the fantasy section which could help explain why. There were a few grammar/punctuation mistakes though.

    The magic that were born in
    Should be: The magic that *we're* born in
    We're as in we are. Not were as in they were there yesterday.

    Those great fairytale
    Should be either: THAT great fairytale
    Or Those great fairyTALES

    The fantasy within our mind
    Now this line I guess you don't have to change but since our means more people I would have mind as plural (minds) but really I suppose you could be saying that we all are one and have the same sort of fantasy. Other than that it was really cute. :) 4.

  • 16 years ago

    by LoreNz0

    Im impressed, this poem is wounderfully descriptive in meaning and imagery. a good write and an enjoyable read.