Saddened Night

by dandy   Nov 29, 2005

Laying down her weary head she dreams
of things being what they seem
So cold is the weather, she doesn't know
where by the wind she will be blown.
Scared to move, afraid to breathe
life throws hurts that do deceive.
Longing for comfort, arms tight and warm
To hold her through this night of scorn.
The dark is present, nipping at her skin,
Goose-bumps raise on flesh so thin.
Heavy thoughts haunt her whirling mind
Along with memories of every kind.
With no one around, not even a light,
She lays alone in the saddened night.
The frost-bitten wind bends to her ear,
and whispers, "child, dry your tears".
She curls up tight and shakes with woe
as frozen drops continue to flow.
Her puffy eyes are red and blurred,
hours pass, though she dare not stir.
She wakes from dreams all filled with fright,
only to again toss and turn, through another dreadful night.


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  • 19 years ago

    by brokenpieces38

    I love it! Great writing! Could you return the favor and check out a few of mine? Thanks,

  • 19 years ago

    by Orion

    Remember, you have friends to help, hold, and keep you warm ^_^ good poem btw.


  • 19 years ago

    by Scaito

    Awesome poem, can't wait for your next one! I love you!! :)