
by jennifer   Nov 29, 2005

Im sitting alone
finding the words to write
tryin ti find the right ones to decscribe this never ending fight

is it normal
to be so young and ready to die?
is it normal
to want to say goodbye?

is it selfish
to commit suicide?
or is it selfless
because ive had nothing right in life

yes i know some people care
and that they will cry
but the pain i have inside
is telling me to die

i dont think i could explain
to all of u the issues i have
but i guess its worth a try
you see, i dont have a dad

he scared me here
where he touched me
he didnt care about the tears
its like his goal was to become my fear

the words dad daddy and father
they draw a blank in my mind
its as if he has the power
the power to make me blind

and dare i mention
he wasnt the first
there was one other boy
i quenched his thirst

above all this
where did my sister end up?
lets just say shes in a better place
way up above

is my heart broken?
no my heart is just fine
but whats really f-u-c-k-e-d up
is my mind

i finally found someone
who loved me 4 me
despite of my past
and f-u-c-k-e-d up memories

but do u see the pattern?
love is not for me
i really loved him
but once again im lonely

everytime i cry
i ask myself why

why is this happening to me?
and there is only one answer
i wasnt meant to be

its that siimple
thats it
im sick of living
im sick of this stupid s-h-i-t

my second poem ever of course now my baby is in jail and im hearing he dont want me back i dont know how to live any more and i feel theres only one escape from this heart breaking pain!!!!


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  • 19 years ago

    by Geoff Clemence

    I truly hope your stong sense of being shines for you Jen. I can see a gift that you have hun.. take care.

  • 19 years ago

    by Jennifer

    Yeah i know not everyone has a earth one atleast but we all have God as our father..i dont have a real dad he's gone thanks for your comment

  • 19 years ago

    by Geoff Clemence

    Ok where to begin... First of all you have a real tallent there. The ability to express your feelings, no matter which feelings you choose to express, is something we don't all have. The preassure created by kept in feelings is what can be catastrophic. You, on the other hand, don't have that. You are able to release and vent. You are able to turn tragedy into creativity. Very sad but an excellent read. I look forward to more to come :)

  • 19 years ago

    by RedRose

    Very intetnse and dark, u got so much detail into such short stanzas. excellent work.

  • 19 years ago

    by Juls

    WOW! That poem was....intense. Intense but great. Im so sry for what has happened to you and if you want to ever talk I mean ever...I will be here! Wonderful poem hun. Keep it up and I cant wait to read more

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