The pros and cons of love

by Just another face   Nov 29, 2005

Love is a risk your heart takes,
a dream that your mind makes,
forever imprinted in your memory.

Love is a passion your soul embraces,
that forces your pulse to race until you can see that special someones face, hear their voice, and feel their heart beat in time with yours again.

Love is a pain that causes your heart to bleed,
trust to break,
amongst hearts and friendships.

Love is a murderer of dreams and wishes,
a slayer of cherished memories,
a force more powerful then any emotion.

Love causes heartbreak,
love causes everlasting happiness,
love can kill you,
but in the end will forever save you.


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  • 19 years ago

    by AllisonMollie

    Tess, this is a really good poem. Your good at this.

    Loves, Allie

  • 19 years ago

    by Mollie

    Hey tess!
    this poem's awesome!!!!!!!!!
    except.......ur really nice but i dont know you....whats ur msn addy?? i wanna talk to u n stuff!!! :)
    cya luv mollie!xox
    ps: i give ur poem a 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by cLumsy

    Wow... everything is so true! good job! keep it up! 5/5

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