Bulletproof Coffin

by Chit Cyn   Nov 30, 2005

Such a wasted creature
Of vague ideologies
Wreaking chaos and havoc
A global headache...

Perpetrator of evil
And murderous intent
A malignant cancer
Of a nation's resolve

A worm in the flesh
A threat to peace
An unchecked epidemic
A stab to humanity

A red carpet welcome
To shake hands with satan
Inferno is your party-place
If its blaze wont choke your face

A bulletproof coffin
For a devil's advocate
Burn to hell, O.B.L.*!
Die hard and rest in pieces !!!


* the man behind 9/11


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  • 19 years ago

    by ScarletHaze

    Man this is good. somehow i dont think i wanna get on the wrong side of you lol xox 5/5 xox

  • 19 years ago

    by EthaniaShea

    Hi there love your poem but what's it about?
    come see the 2 recent one's i've made 'cause of 2 ppl that have thought that they knew all there is to know.
    read it and rate it tell me what you think.
    i'd greatly appreciate your thoughts on my poetry.