Comments : Raped

  • 19 years ago

    by matt white

    This is an awesome poem...short but sweet....i dont know anything really about you personally or your life but to me nothing is worth taking your own life my lifes pretty messed up too man but i wouldnt kill myself if someone threatened to kill me id say ok...but i wont take my own life....hope that helps


  • 19 years ago

    by Ashley_LOVES_Jason

    WOW! this poem has alot of heart in it. im sorry if this really happened to you. ive been raped before and its no reason to take your own life. its not your fault. i thought it was my fault at first too...but now i realize it isnt. and it wasnt. 5/5 this is a really great poem. and thanks for commenting on my poem. it really means alot!
    if you ever need to talk about anything just email me at...
    im here for you...