You Cheated

by *wEsSiE*   Nov 30, 2005

This is the worst you have done
Yet it doesn\'t hurt me
I just feel real numb
I thought you were happy

It probably hasn\\\'t sunk in
You made me feel so small
Like you threw me in the bin
Were still together after it all

Did I do it right
I kept you in the end
That was a fcuked-up night
I got told by a friend

I know who I can trust
You were the only one
I trusted our relationship, just
I don\\\'t anymore, it\\\'s gone.


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  • 18 years ago

    by my name is Llama

    Yeh i'm still in hospital mite be out in 2 weeks
    but i'll email u when i get out tho
    everytink sux here but i get 2 have overnight leave probably 2 nite
    anyway ttyl's
    lots of luv

  • 18 years ago

    by my name is Llama

    Hey wessie
    yeh i'm alright..yeh the hurricane is relli bad cept it isn't were i am..i live in sydney and its in cairnes right up the top of aussie i was there 4 hols last year. so yeh i'm fine mostly watchin the commonwealth games..been watching gurnsey as well, lol
    anyways best be off

  • 18 years ago

    by my name is Llama

    Yeh it's all gud, i'm ok, dunno when i'm gettin out tho but we will go back 2 proper emails and stuff once i get out. but 4 now we will just have 2 communicate using this. how r u and andy? nuthin much is happening wid me...obviously, cept they've started me on med's and shit. anyway gtg teachers lookin
    lots of love

  • 19 years ago

    by my name is Llama

    Hey wessie
    i haven't been able to get to my email at hospital but i could get onto this site so i thought i will send u a quick msg..hope all is well, dunno when i'm goin 2 get out of hospital but i promise i will email when i get out shuld be in 2 weeks or sumtink
    anyway lots of love
    p.s if u send me a comment vire this site than i will be able 2 get it from hospital...oh and i got ur letter and pic thanx, i'll have 2 send one back.

  • 19 years ago

    by my name is Llama

    lol thanx 4 the comment..that peom is actually true and so is the other called"true story" lol wayz ahh shit i'm soo tired had 2 wake up at 5;00 this mornin 2 go into the city to have breakfast at sum posh hotel with a long lost relative..lolness. ne way gud luck wid the hairdressing interview thing..i hopes u gets it
    ne way best be off goin out in 5
    oh p.s i'm dying ma hair purple 2 moro lol, wid ma fwends..wait i think i told u that last email OH GOD I THINK I HAVE AMNESIA
    best be off to retrieve ma memory