My time has expired

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Nov 30, 2005

When you lose someone you love
When it's time for them to rise above
It's so hard to find the heart you once had
It's so hard to re-cooperate when it hurts so bad

But time is the only healer of a broken heart
And time will go on as we all fall apart
But time won't stop, and you'll rise again
A heartbreak like this won't be your end

Some people are weaker than they seem
Some never get to live the American dream
Happiness isn't in my daily routine
And smiling isn't what i really mean

my 15 years has been enough for me
I've been through enough already
Waking up doesn't fascinate me
Things don't happen the way i want them to be

I don't think i can handle anymore of this home
I think i would rather be alone
And this area has too many scars on my heart
But it is full of so many memories from the start

But most of my memories involve angels above
The ones who left me that i love
My best friend, my friends, and my cousin
He was ready to go but i wasn't

And my time has been expired
I'm so worn out and so tired
And I'm young but i live fast
I die young and forget the past

And people SAY they'll miss you, and yes they'll cry
They can't imagine living after I die
But trust me, I'll live in everybody's heart
I'll MAKE SURE they DON'T fall apart

Because this is the decision i made
It's between me and the blade
My heart is full of my friends and their life
But my hand is already gripping the knife

Time will still go on, and so will yous in your growing stages
And you'll live with our memories written on these pages
The heart will beat, yous will wake up the next morning
It'll be hard at first since yous had no warning

But when you want to cry, I'll make yous smile
When life's no fun, I'll make it worth while
When yous want to give up or give in
I'll make a fresh start for yous to begin

You all make me laugh and smile
But the past catches up to me after a while
Living without friends, a mother and self-esteem
Breaks your fairy tale dream

Don't be mad, but don't hide any single feeling
Just let me know what you are believing
Because i love yous more than i love myself
And it's my life story i will always tell

I'll leave yous with a final smile
A hug and a laugh to keep it worthwhile
And i guess yous can say, yes i am scared
Because yous are the only people who cared...

*not a suicide note, just really sad from a fight*


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