ANgElS DeaTh

by AnubiS   Dec 1, 2005

AL0nE n d0peD neAr ThE GravEyard 0f ThE AngeLS,I WaZ WaLkinG..
DarkeSt NighT I SaW An AngeL CryInG,witH bR0kEn WingS, ShE WaZ DyinG.......

AnGeLs,SucH BeaUtY,ShE WaS LosT in ThoughTs,FaLLEn Fr0m HeaVeN...
I WaTcHed HeR s0uL EsCaPe In ThE LittLE TeaRs Death FiLLed With FeaRs...

gLancEd HeRe aNd thEre In plaCe Uncr0wdEd,2 c HeR ThEre,s0 DeadLy w0undEd,,
ShE WaZ LyInG 0n ThE CoLd WhiTe pLaTe,2 HeLp HeR I TrieD BuT I waZ t0o LaTe,...

In ThE po0L 0f bLo0d,t0 DiE waZ HeR FaTe,Inn0cEncE MarcHinG t0 HeaVeNs GaTe......

AnGeL StaRed Me,I HeaRd HeR SiLeNt CriEs,PaLe LittLe f0rM 0n po0L 0f rEd bLo0d,
ANgeL s0 FraGiLe tHinG WiTh BeaUtY,In RaGe I CrieD..WhY DeaTh Iz n0T MinE...

I t0oK AngeL In My ArMs,I KisSeD,I LovEd,I caRed, I HeLd HeR NeaR,
I GaVe My WaRmTh,w0rDs 0f h0pE n ChaRm I WhisPeReD In HeR EaRs....

LorD WiLL PaY f0R ThIs CrimE,D0 n0t FeaR,EvEryThinG WiLL Be aLrigHT
BuT HeR SceNt WaZ VaNishinG AwaY..FaDinG AwaY in a gLo0mY NigHt

SaTisFyiNg HeR ThT ShE WiLL 0nCe AgaIn fLy t0 hEavEN LiKe h0Ly FirE
aZ I Waz LyIng 2 HeR N myseLf,GivInG FaLsE h0pE T0 SeeK DesIrE

witH ThAt LasT SigH She LooKed At Me And SmiLEd.. Az She PasSed AwaY
0n ThE H0rIzon ThE StaR WaZ RisInG WitH ItS s0rr0w fiLLEd RaY
My TeaRs r0LLinG 0n My FaCe aNd HidinG In HeR Br0keN WinGs
I pRaYed t0 SkY ThT ResT Her s0uL in PeaCe `0` King 0f The KinGs

TimE Haz cHangEd,NeW DaWn BreaKs 0uT BUT I StiLL RememBeR ThaT LittLe angeL


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  • 18 years ago

    by XTaintedxBeautyX

    Omg this amazing is so good... i love it... keep up the amazing writing!

  • 19 years ago

    by Ashelin's a good poem, but maybe if you didn't have the different caps all over the place. It was hard to read because of all the caps.