Comments : Must Obsessed

  • 19 years ago

    by cLumsy

    I love your style of writing! overall, it was as great poem! ;D 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Marcus

    This was a awsome poem, you really knew what you were aim for to say and it is clear that you said it, You had a great ryhme pattern and choice of words,Just know your poems in the future can be perfected and get more atteinon,by stating comments and really commenting your feelings and not juts quietioning your feeling ,Great Job

  • 19 years ago

    by Cuddles

    I'm officially obsessed...eith your poetry!! I know exactly what you mean in this poem. I'm going through it right now, and it's crazy because every waking moment is spent thinking about that person and it drives you crazy because you want them so badly that you can't seem to think straight and you're slowly being pushed to the brink of insanity-except that you never completely fall. It's incredble (both the feeling and the poem). In essence this is what love has become-an obsession. I adore this poem. I give you ten fingers and an arm up (LOL)!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Cuddles

    So you know, that should be with not eith. My mistake.