The One Who Completes Me

by bleed4eternity   Dec 2, 2005

I saw you today
you made my heart melt
no words can describe
how wonderful i felt

your eye caught mine
they locked, then you turned away
it lasted just a second
but it totally made my day

smiling so brightly
i heard your laughter ring out
confirming in my mind
i loved you without a doubt

then to my great joy
you walked over to me
and gave me a huge hug
it was then that i knew we were meant to be

but no matter how hard i try
i cant seem to say
the feelings in my heart
that take my breath away

to you I'm just a friend
someone to whom you cry
inside i suppress the fact
that without you i would die

every time you tell me
of yet another guy whose used you
i wish that you would see
that that's something i would never do

to me you're an angel
fallen from heaven above
and though i can't have you
it's you I'll forever love

so i treasure every moment with you
while longing to hold your hand
though keeping my love a secret
is almost more then i can stand...

i love you! there,
i admit it, it's true
but only in my dreams
for i fear you wont say "me too"


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  • 17 years ago

    by lonelynow

    Wow this is a really good and well written poem.
    i say 'i love you' in my dreams too.
    i think lots of people can relate to this.
    thanks for the comment xx

  • 18 years ago

    by Valentin

    I had an experience similar to what u wrote, which is y i loved ur poem, marverlous!

  • 18 years ago

    by Ike Dizzle

    Great job. I like this poem. I know how you feel. Telling someone you love them is scary but it's worth it if they love you too. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Ike Dizzle

    Dude, that's so sweet. I guess we do think alike. And get rated the same. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Raychel

    This is EXCELLENT!!! i undersatnd how it feels in my own way, to love someone with evey fiber of ur being, but they dont feel the same, nor do they want to. i love the flow and with each rhyme, the feelings grow stronger and filled with more emotion. i love it!