My only plea

by Jerika   Dec 2, 2005

In love more than ever
ut scared just the same
does he really mean forever
or is it just a game

he tells me that he loves me
and his actions say it too
its not difficult to see
he means "i love you"

i dont deserve this man
im just not good enough
i just do what i can
and try to be tough

if only he understood
that i try with all my might
maybe then he could
see how hard i fight

i wish i could be it
that one i need to be
to make that perfect fit
thats my only plea


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  • 18 years ago

    by superman15

    Thanx for ur comment...
    u seem pretty talnted. keep up the good work,.

  • 19 years ago

    by dora

    Hell0. g0od p0em. thank u s0 much f0r the c0mment 0n my w0rk! meant al0t t0 me!