I will keep you with me

by keira   Dec 2, 2005

Your life was taken in a blink of an eye no time for that last kiss good bye and i begged for you to come and get me to take me with you and keep me by your side.

The day you left was truly sad all i could do was sit and ask God how?
I was to numb to even cry for you.

All i could do was wander round with this fake smile listening to our lost songs with unspoken words spinning around in my head.

I kept thinking if i just loved you better or held you that bit longer you might still be here and my heart would not be so broken

I am so frightened i might forget you and so worried my memories will fade to gray oh only if you had of stayed.

I went to our place just looking for a sign a sound that you where with me and things might work out just fine.

I looked at the faces of our friends not even their kind support would ease this pain.

So as the weeks have turned into months the pain the empty gap is still as raw.

I know I will see you soon just hold that place for me by your side until then i will try hard to smile.

love and miss you more then any one knows.


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  • 19 years ago

    by SammiBABY

    I love it!!! you are awesome ! :)

    sammi x