
by Nina Star   Dec 2, 2005

I hope that she will always be there,
To show loves me,
To show she cares.

I don't know what I would do,
If she wasn't bothered,
Where I was and what I was up to.*

This is way to short,
To describe,
The friendly love I feel inside.

These feelings aren't fake,
I hope she knows,
I loves her like a fat kid loves cake.

* She probably doesn't sometimes LOL!


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by LoveKeepsMeStrong

    Aww thats sweet for Amy

  • 18 years ago

    by LossxOfxControl

    =D I know commenting again, but I'm on a roll. =D I love you too lots & lots, wish we still talked as much as we used to. We'll have to change, I don't even know how often you come on here anymore. <33

  • 19 years ago

    by LossxOfxControl

    Awww...fanx a bunch Luv ya girl keep up the good work OK?! lol

    Luv Luv
