I dont get it

by andi   Dec 2, 2005

I don't get
on Monday you told my friend you liked me enough to go out with me
i asked you out with rose thing
you told me no you didn't really want a girlfriend and it woulda been one of the quietest relationships
i don't get
then you told my friend that you weren't sure if u wanna go out with me
u already told me no
u looked sad after school like you regretted it
i made it look like i was having a BLAST!! without you
even though really i wasn't
i wanted you so bad
i still want you so bad
i hope you change your mind
i still love you!!



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  • 19 years ago

    by Rachel

    Heyyyy Andi, yeah i have aim and msn, i added you on aim, but just in case you can take mine down, glossylipso18

    and if u have msn you can add me @ maddie_r_w@hotmail.com, my real name is maddie not rachel, i used rachel cuz its my middle name.. lol..

    but, r you going out with the who asked you out?..if you r and the guy u liek knows and hes pissed, then that gives u one message HE LIKES YOU!, but if he doesnt know than i guess hes not mad, im a little confussed about thes tory, but we can talk about it on aim or msn whtv u have:).. hehe anyways ttyl bye Andi