She Cried

by Nina Star   Dec 2, 2005

They all hated her,
The way she acted,
She tried to fit in
But it wasnt happening.

So they made a plot
They made a plan,
They found it hard,
They mentally died.

They told her get lost,
They told her good-bye
She turned away,
She started to cry

They were her only friends,
They were her mates,
The ones shed meet at the school gates.

She felt betrayed,
She felt so sad,
So she made a plot,
She made a plan.

Going home,
So sad and lonely,
When she arrived,
The house was empty.

Her parents were out
She was glad
She went to the shed,
Climbed onto the shelf

She took the rope
Went back into the house,
To the bathroom,
She tied the rope to the shower,
Checked the time half an hour
Till her parents were back

She stood on the bath,
And with one evil laugh,
A laugh of fear,
She jumped off,
She made it clear

Her parents returned,
For her they called,
They was no reply,
They wondered why.

They went up stairs,
They opened the door,
Before them they saw,
Their beautiful daughter,
All blue and sore.
Her mother screamed her mother cried
Our baby has died

They saw hatred,
They saw sadness
They saw a girl they would give their life for.

They see her,
And through her eyes I can see you,
Reading through this
But before you leave promise this

You will always think before you act,
Think of who you will hurt,
Think of your life,
Think of others


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Quiet Storm

    Wow, i really liked this i can relate to this feeling.

  • 17 years ago

    by LoveKeepsMeStrong

    Very powerful poem

    u really are amazing
    love you

  • 19 years ago

    by ~*~Yours-Truly~*~

    Aaw gr8 poem keep up the gd work

  • 19 years ago

    by LossxOfxControl

    This is soo sad it's horrble to think about least she's in a better place...god I wonder how her mum and dad are now...Anyways good work! Keep it up!

    luv luv