Lost forever

by sweet_angel   Dec 3, 2005

I never thought you'd be the one to do me like the way you did i loved forever and now you say we can only be friends im sorry but im not going down like that i loved you so much i would die for you i almost did once but now i see you playing basketball with your friends i can't even look at your face and when you see me in the hall you just keep on walking straight i tell all my friends they hate your guts but i dont i will still love you no matter how much you hate me


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  • 18 years ago

    by AnnMarie

    It doesn't really seem like a poem. There is not any flow or construction to it........

  • 18 years ago

    by Damion xxx

    Oh bless =( i know how u feel hun=(
    i dosen't hurt forever though=)
    good honest poem hun=) keep writing
    Damion... x

  • 19 years ago

    by Beebee

    Thats saaaaaaaaaaaaaad

  • 19 years ago

    by cLumsy

    Srry about your grandfather... at least, i know that he'll be proud of you for writing this beautifully written poem. you should be grateful that he's up there... watching over you. keep your chin up and don't let anything get you down. the one for you out there is somewhere... ;D 5/5