Comments : Questions

  • 19 years ago

    by DreamAwish

    I like ur poem alot bcoz its the same question that goes around our minds.. love is something we feel & share , we don't need to say the word.. we just need to feel it, thats why some ppl might fall in love & keep it inside coz they wait fot you to feel it & they believe it depends on feeling .. :-)

    can't wait to read more of ur poems 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    Wow hun... you should really continue to write, because you are talented... keep up the great work, I loved this poem!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Rosie

    WOW! thanks for your guys's comment's.... THey are very appresiated.... Im not sue if that poem was a one off... I hope not.. I just posted another Love poem named 'Obstacles' It's basicly a little message to my best friend..... well I hope you like it anyway.. please keep the comments coming in!