I Wonder...

by Emma   Dec 3, 2005

I wonder what life would be like if I was really me,
I wonder what life would be like if I wasn't what I pretend to be,
I wonder what life would be like if my feelings weren't supressed by my peers,
I wonder what life would be like if I cried no more tears.

I wonder what life would be like if I could speak my mind,
Without worrying about other people, having to be kind.
I wonder what life would be like if i wasn't expected to do more than I can,
I wonder what life would be like if I wasn't expected to be more than I am.

I wonder what life would be like if I were enough for everyone,
I wonder what life would be like if people actually forgave me for what I've done,
I wonder what life would be like if I could find my heart,
I wonder what life would be like if it hadn't been altered and torn apart.

I wonder what life would be like if I could actually be myself,
I wonder what life would be like if I didn't pretend to be someone else.
Sometimes I wonder about these people I call "friends",
About the pain they caused me that never ends.

Now I've stopped wondering and finally realize,
I can't keep living a life full of lies.
Now I know that the only person i should listen to is me,
Now I know I have to stop being what you want me to be.

**i was pretty upset today about living a life of lies...so i just wrote it...i hope you like it please vote and comment**


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  • 19 years ago

    by Bertha

    I love you so much..
    you are my favorite person in the entire world and i never want you to feel bad about anything..
    you are an amazing writer and im not even just saying that. *props* just like jin.. lol.

    i LOVE you!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Macy

    Wow i love it, i know exactly how you feel. 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    Omg hun...this poem is amazing... one of the best poems I've ever read. It expresses so much pain and emotion.. I am so sorry that you are going through so much. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here, and I'm not just saying that. You're very talented, keep up the great work!

  • 19 years ago

    by Mona

    Awe. I actually often wonder "what if".So I can relate to this poem. Very well done Emma. I loved it. Lotsaa love, and take care girl, -xxx-

  • 19 years ago

    by Avellana

    I wonder what life would be like if it hadn't been altered and torn apart.''-

    This is almost identicle to a line in a poem i'm working on now, its cool to find someone going through almost the exact same thing. This poem is also laid out really well, very original. I'm looking forward to reading the rest!

    Lv A, x