The Biggest Mistake

by Samantha   Dec 4, 2005

I'm so lonely I don't know what to do,
You think it would be easy to fix
There are plenty other fish in the sea,
But its not and your the only one I want...
Your the only one I think about
Your the only one I dream about;
Every second I'm without you
The hole in my heart gets deeper.
Sometimes we still talk
But its never the same
As it once was.
Your always busy and distracted;
Its like I'm not even on the phone at all...
I cry myself to sleep every night
Waiting for you to call
Just because I know you wont...
I know I shouldn't do that
But I honestly can't help it.
I miss you so bad
I cant stand this pain anymore.
Its almost like
I'm incomplete without you.
When you were here
Everything was right,
My life was so real
And happy...
But know all I feel
Is sorrow and misery...
Why don't you understand
That I am lost without you?
You know what?
You are proving everyone right...
They said we wouldn't last because of you,
And they were right.
I can't believe that now all you want is to be friends.
How can two people like us
Who have shared so much
Just be friends?
I personally don't think its possible.
Whenever we are together
As "just friends"
It's just weird...
It feels like old times
And all I want to do is hold you
In my arms
And hear you call me baby...
But I know its not going to happen.
Sometimes I think
The only reason you want to still see me
Is because you like seeing me cry.
I know the only reason I still see you
Is because I pray to God that
It will knock some sense into you
And make you realize that by leaving me
You have made the biggest mistake
Of your life...
But I'm starting to think
That isn't going to happen...


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  • 19 years ago

    by lorna westwick

    Omg fantastic poem alot of heart felt sentances and i know how you feel trust me pain and hurt just really don't describe what you actually feel inside, there are alot of good love poems but this is amazing keep up the good work and thanks for commenting on my poem

  • 19 years ago

    by Samantha

    Yeah, guys never seem to realize (or at least admit to themselves) that they make mistakes. And let me tell you...It will always hurt. Or at least for me, it's still hurting a YEAR after I stopped talking/seeing to him. And I'm still hoping that he'll figure things out. But as you said,
    "I cry myself to sleep every night
    Waiting for you to call
    Just because I know you wont..."

    Anyway back to your poem. You certainly know how to use poetry to get your feelings across to the reader. :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Vanessa Lea

    Hmmm....can totally relate to this poem...*sighs*

  • 19 years ago

    by BrokenMemoriex

    Wow.. I can tell that all this came straight from ur heart.. the poem jus flows naturally.. it didn't have to rhyme to express the meaning in it.. great job in writing this one! =)

  • 19 years ago

    by Syn

    Hmm.. if i was any good a critiquing i would say something but im not so.. to me its good.