What would i do without you

by LuVlYlUfFlY   Dec 4, 2005

I walk into the room
and find you on the floor
my eyes fill up with tears
and then they start to fall

i try and run to save you
but i just fall to the ground
i quickly crawl to help you
but you don't make a sound

the tears start to flow
falling down my face
i hold you close to me
and say no one can take your place

as i try to stand
i fall back to my knees
i look at you my friend
and pledge my dying need

another tear falls
falls and hits the ground
then they start to flow
like and on going scale

i pick you up and take you
take you to the bed
i lie you down flat
and slowly raise your head

i look at you and cry
i cant believe your gone
i look at you and think
every-things going wrong

as i look at your motionless body
i say my last goodbye
then i lay on the bed next to you
and cry myself goodnight

pleaze vote and comment i will love to hear what you think this poem means alot to me as it really happened when my best friend killed herself i was the one that found her on the floor


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  • 17 years ago

    by Whitney

    OMG i know dont know what to say. UMM its a great poem and It touched me so much. I love it. I am sorry you had to go through this. I know it must have been so hard. Take care of yourself. If you ever need to talk my name is whitney and i am here to listen.


  • 19 years ago

    by sarah

    Im so sorry that happend its a really sad poem i got a tear in my eye im sorry

  • 19 years ago

    by Rain

    Hey, im so sorri. it must have been so hard on you. i really liked the poem, it was great! hang in there and take care,

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