IN mY eYeS

by Me   Dec 4, 2005

Why is it that us girls
Always put ourselves down?
No matter how much we hurt our friends
No matter how much we make them frown

Its really starting to get to me
Brittney is the most
She is so close to perfect
She could even boast

But she would never do that
And that's what makes her so great
She has so many good qualities, she's Brittney
She is the person no body can hate

Everybody loves her
But she cannot see
How close to perfect she is
How she makes everyone happy

How can she think she is ugly?
How can she think she is fat?
When she is beautiful, absolutely gorgeous
What the f u c k is with that?

She is totally stunning
Both inside and out
But no matter what I say, her mind will never change
This I know without a doubt

Because she is a typical girl
And I guess I can't contradict
I know that no matter what anyone tells you
Your negative thoughts still stick

But somebody like Brittney
Someone so pure of heart
Thinking badly of herself, agitates me
It makes me break apart

She is just so nice, so trustworthy
So caring, loving and true
She is entertaining, fun and funny
And will ALWAYS be there for you

No matter when or where
Even if its in the middle of the night
She will stay up till morning
Just to make sure your alright

She will do anything
Just to make you smile
Let me see, how does she put it?
'Have I put a smile on your dile?'

How can someone like this
Someone so pure
How can she think badly of herself?
How can she find one single flaw?

But no matter what she thinks
She really needs to know
That in my eyes she is perfect
And I will never go

I will always be here
To tell her she is wrong
Telling her she is beautiful, she's perfect
And has been all along

I want to return the favor
I want to pay back my debt
For all the times she told me I was wrong
Brittney, I just don't want u to forget

Don't forget I love you
And you're perfect in my eyes
I know I can't change your mind, but no matter what you think
As each day goes by,
You're beautiful...


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  • 19 years ago

    by dora

    Heartfelt piece darl. l0t 0f em0ti0n in this. great j0b 0n it. very well written! keep it up